These are the questions I get asked most, or things I almost always need to explain. I’ll be adding more as time goes on.

enlarger Darkroom FAQs

What is Contrast?

Where do you buy your equipment and supplies?

Why do you use exclusively Ilford films, papers and chemicals?

Do you do much manipulation of the image when making a print?

What settings should I use for an FC Auto glazing machine?

What is split grade printing?

How do you dry fibre based (FB) paper?

camera Photography FAQs

What Filters do you use for SFX Infrared Film?

What is Contrast?

Is there any equipment that you feel is essential for landscape photography?

Where do you buy your equipment and supplies?

Why did you switch from slr medium format to rangefinders?

Why did you switch from 35 mm cameras?

What film format do you use?

What filters do you use?

How did you select the film that you use?

Do you have a favourite location for photography?

How do you choose what to photograph?

What advice can you give for taking photographs in cities and elsewhere?

Do you have a problem with fogging due to airport scanners?

Other FAQs

Why do you work exclusively in black and white?

Do you have any advice for someone who wants to pursue a career in photography?

What do you consider to be the main qualities for a successful landscape photographer?

Do you work differently when you are taking pictures for a commission compared to your other photography?

Are there any particular key skills or technical skills that you have learnt as a landscape photographer that you feel are important within this genre of photography?

What kept you motivated to keep learning?

Have there been times when you struggled to learn the skills you have today?

Did you study photography at college or are you self-taught?

How long have you been a photographer?

I have always taken colour photographs but would like to try black and white, can you give some advice to get me started?

I would like to work in the photo industry after finishing my University course, do you have any advice?

Would you consider taking on a student as an assistant?

What is it about landscape photography that you enjoy?

Why did you choose to photograph landscapes, skiing and cities?

Where did you get your inspiration from?

Why did you become a photographer?